I am a 52 year old female recently dx with MGUS which was discovered s/p a finding of a protein spike in regular blood work. I have been on blood pressure medications since 2008. I have recently been started on cholestoral medications with poor results as of last blood test. Cholestoral keeps climbing even though I have a life long hx of eating health diet. I do confess, I need to exercise more.
I have recently (in the past year or so) deveoped chronic non descriptive pain, bone pain, muscle pain, debilitating fatigue, dizziness/ vertigo.
I understand that formal reports state MGUS is asymptomatic but I find it quite curious that the symptoms I am experiencing are the same as others with similar medical hx.
I am convinced that these symptoms are absolutely associated with MGUS!
Very glad to have found this site and plan to monitor closely and hope to offer as much information as I might glean!
- Karen Burge