The first doctor is just being silly or is ignorant. The act of separating glucose from fructose (breaking down sucrose) takes a minimal amount of energy and doesnt make it superior to HFCS. Sucrose is still a very simple sugar and is half fructose. After sucrose is broken down it is equivalent to HFCS (within a few percentages).
The second dr is right but he just doesnt explain beyond the minimum, which is unfortunate. Molecule for molecule HFCS and sugar will have similar effects BUT, HFCS is in everything because its cheap and makes things taste better (and low fat!). HFCS is the cause of obesity, but sucrose would also be the cause too if it was in such abundance in everything that's made. So just keep that in mind. If you find something that replaces HFCS in equal amounts with sugar you should not consider it better. Reduce your simple sugar intake and you cant go wrong. - tim