I am a 60-year-old female and was diagnosed with both Anti-MAG and MGUS 5 years ago, after I saw a neurologist for numbness that started in my big toe. Since then it has progressed to both feet and hands and somewhat up my extremities but is not terribly bothersome. I get my immunoglobin levels checked by my hematologist every 6 months. Had a full-body CT scan and bone marrow aspiration done upon diagnosis, and they came back OK--no signs of a blood cancer yet. My IgM is high (926) and is slowly climbing every 6 months, although has remained the same on my last check. I blame my condition on pesticide exposure as a child, as I grew up on a farm that was heavily and often sprayed for insects. I am at a "wait-and-see" stage, and although I like my hematologist here (I live in Central NY state), was wondering if there were any expert physicians that anyone knows of in the Boston and/or NYC area...or Philly or perhaps even the Cleveland Clinic. Also, has anyone ever taken frankincense oil? It's supposed to have anti-cancer fighting agents, etc... I know there are no drugs, etc... to prevent what is going to happen from happening, but I am hoping that perhaps a lifestyle change and diet would make a difference. I am of a good weight and exercise regularly and I think otherwise is good shape for my age. Thanks. - Cathy Hanlon